The Importance of Nurse Delegation

Learn about the role of a certified registered nurse delegator and the benefits of nurse delegation in providing quality care for clients.

Margaret ithibu BSN RN

1 min read

Washington State Nurse Delegation

In the Nurse Delegation Program, certified nurse assistants (CNAs) are guided by a state-certified Registered Nurse Delegator (RND). The RND is responsible for training and supervising CNAs, enabling them to perform tasks typically handled by a licensed nurse. The RND also plays a crucial role in completing patient nursing assessments.

Nurse delegation in adult family homes and private homes has played a huge role in helping patients access care while giving them the option of where to receive it. Nurse Delegation removes the need for a full-time nurse at the bedside, making care more affordable.

Nurse Delegation is important because:

  1. Care is individualized to each patient, making it of higher quality.

  2. Lower cost of care- a full-time nurse is not required.

  3. More living options- clients do not need to go to nursing homes.

  4. Clients can maintain their independence for longer.

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man writing on paper